Tivy.club: part of Greenjobs.nl
Did you know that Tivy.club is a part of Greenjobs.nl? Although both job boards have many similarities – they are both a job board – they focus on a different niche.
Greenjobs.nl is a job board for sustainable jobs. Here you will find jobs in the field of sustainability, the circular economy, energy transition, climate and environment, and sustainable products. A job board that focuses on a sustainable future!
Tivy.club, on the other hand, is a job board specifically focused on Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (DE&I(. Employers who consider Diversity, Equality and Inclusion important and highly value them can post their jobs on Tivy.club.
Can your organization post jobs on both platforms?
Absolutely! For example, consider B Corps: within the certification, not only the impact on the environment is considered, but also how they treat employees. If your organization is committed to a positive effect on both the climate and society, both platforms are a perfect fit for your jobs.
Show that your organization stands for positive impact – on all fronts!