
Vacatures voor meer Diversiteit, Gelijkheid en Inclusie op de werkvloer

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Job Alert
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From: LXT

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Geselecteerde selectie(s):
From: LXT

Wil je werken voor een organisatie die waarde hecht aan Diversiteit, Gelijkheid en Inclusie? Check deze vacatures op

Parlez Français ? Rejoignez Notre Projet Audio !
LXT est un leader émergent dans le domaine des données d’entraînement pour l’IA, permettant d’alimenter les technologies intelligentes des organisations à l’échelle mondiale. En collaboration avec un réseau international de contributeurs, LXT collecte et annote des données sur plusieurs modalités av
Cantonese - Data Entry Clerk (Transcriber)
LXT is an emerging leader in AI training data to power intelligent technology for global organizations. In partnership with an international network of contributors, LXT collects and annotates data across multiple modalities with the speed, scale and agility required by the enterprise. Our global ex
FulltimeAdministratiefITInternationaal, Hybride
Korean - Data Entry Clerk (Transcriber)
LXT is an emerging leader in AI training data to power intelligent technology for global organizations. In partnership with an international network of contributors, LXT collects and annotates data across multiple modalities with the speed, scale and agility required by the enterprise. Our global ex
Fulltime, ParttimeOtherITHybride
Indonesian - Data Entry Clerk (Transcriber)
LXT is an emerging leader in AI training data to power intelligent technology for global organizations. In partnership with an international network of contributors, LXT collects and annotates data across multiple modalities with the speed, scale and agility required by the enterprise. Our global ex
Fulltime, ParttimeOtherITHybride
Taiwanese - Data Entry Clerk (Transcriber)
LXT is an emerging leader in AI training data to power intelligent technology for global organizations. In partnership with an international network of contributors, LXT collects and annotates data across multiple modalities with the speed, scale and agility required by the enterprise. Our global ex
Fulltime, ParttimeOtherITHybride
Arabic Speaking Audio Data Collector-Levant
LXT is an emerging leader in AI training data to power intelligent technology for global organizations. In partnership with an international network of contributors, LXT collects and annotates data across multiple modalities with the speed, scale and agility required by the enterprise. We are seeki
Fulltime, ParttimeOtherITHybride

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